
How do you measure the impact of Fasterize?

Mesurer l'impact de Fasterize sur les performances et la vitesse des pages

Our SaaS solution automatically improves the your website’s loading speed. Our engine works like a proxy in the Cloud, rewriting your page code on the fly to optimise your website’s loading time on desktop and mobile, for all your users, whatever the browsing context. But in practice, apart from improving the speed perceived by your visitors, how can you measure the impact of optimising loading speed on your conversions? In this article, we look in detail at how to test the effects of Fasterize to evaluate the ROI of our solution.

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The pitfalls to avoid to smartly optimize JavaScript loading

One of the essential optimizations for loading speed and interactivity is to defer the loading of JavaScript. Let’s go deeper to understand the impact of a blocking script on loading times, the solutions for minimising the impact, and the pitfalls you want to avoid.
We’ll also take the opportunity to explain the details of the solution we’ve developed: a feature called DeferJS.

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Web performance fundamentals: perks of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)


A Content Delivery Network (CDN) helps optimise the distribution of content by bringing it closer to internet users. But that’s not all: it’s also useful for the speed and security of your website. Here’s everything you need to know about what a CDN is, how it works, and what it’s good for. We’ll also explain how Fasterize is a “next generation” CDN, as well as all the benefits you can get from it!

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HTTP cache: a pillar of web performance, for improving loading speed and user experience



Caching is one of the most effective techniques for having fast pages and for improving loading speeds by several hundred milliseconds.

This time scale may seem minuscule, but cumulatively, all of those milliseconds can add up to seconds… and 1 extra second of loading time results in fewer conversions. It’s worth noting that in the retail sector, 1 extra second of loading time can make conversions fall by up to -20%.

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Resize images automatically with Fasterize

Resizing image web performance

With images taking up ever more space on our webpages, it is ever more crucial to keep their weight to a minimum, especially on mobile. According to HTTP Archive, the average webpage displays approximately 1 MB of images (median), and the images on a page account for almost half of the total weight of the page.

Once you have inevitably compressed it, how do you serve an image in the right dimensions for different screen sizes? In the wake of our predictions in favour of srcset, we decided to set ourselves a new webperf challenge: resizing images!

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Correcting inlining fonts in CSS

Following a healthier, lighter diet also applies to CSS, and the latter will become heavy if it has to put up with base64-encoded fonts. Fasterize helps you optimize your loading times by outsourcing fonts instead of embedding them in CSS, a critical resource that the browser needs to load as quickly as possible. The result? Pages are displayed faster thanks to a better Start Render.

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Address Brotli compression easily with Fasterize

The faster a site is (that’s our core business) the better web user engagement it gets. And there are plenty of solutions to accelerate a website! Reducing page size as far as possible is one of the most effective ways – and the most obvious. Essentially, the fewer bytes that the browser has to download, the faster the site is. And so, one sensible solution involves optimizing the raw size of the JavaScript and CSS code by minifying them, as well as using a more effective compression algorithm.

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Early-Hint: how to preload non-cacheable assets from a page

Maybe you’ve already heard people talking about Early Hint? Or perhaps the HTTP 103 code? This feature, which is currently being standardized by the W3C, can be used to preload page resources even before receiving the first byte of content. Unfortunately, currently, HTTP 103 is very rarely used by browsers, despite the benefits it offers in terms of loading speed. To address this, our technical team has developed an optimization that allows our customers to preload a non-cacheable page’s resources – we’d like to introduce you to Early Hint!

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Traffic Limiter: enable an overflow page in case of traffic spike

When you’re holding Sales promotions or on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or any trafic peak or laod peak period, an overflow page – or traffic easing system – allows you to define a maximum number of active sessions to keep your servers up and running, thus minimizing the loss of potential customers. This feature, which we call Traffic Limiter on our platform, is available for all our users, and is easy to enable from the dashboard.

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