
When you’re holding Sales promotions or on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or any trafic peak or laod peak period, an overflow page – or traffic easing system – allows you to define a maximum number of active sessions to keep your servers up and running, thus minimizing the loss of potential customers. This feature, which we call Traffic Limiter on our platform, is available for all our users, and is easy to enable from the dashboard.

Traffic Limiter: the traffic easing system linked to your UX

Thanks to Traffic Limiter, your customer is kept in the loop about the nature of the problem in the event of traffic spikes and informed when they’ll be able to place their order.

It’s an indispensable UX asset for periods of heavy activity because the web user is shown a page that contains information instead of being given an error message or experiencing a critical slowdown that creates the impression that there’s a system fault. This makes it easier for your customers to continue with their purchase rather than going elsewhere out of frustration.

As such, you can be sure of retaining your customer and securing your business through an action that couldn’t be easier to put in place.

How to enable Traffic Limiter in Fasterize

To access this feature, simply go to the Fasterize Dashboard > Configuration > Traffic Limiter.

You can then:

  • enable or disable the feature with a single click;
  • define the number of sessions above which Traffic Limiter is activated;
  • customize the maximum session time. A session is considered inactive after this time period. Remember that the longer the time stated, the more quickly the system will become saturated. As an example, Google Analytics considers a session to be active for a period of 5 minutes;
  • state the URL to which your customers will be redirected (i.e. the URL of the overflow page);
  • define the IPs and URLs that you don’t want to be included in the count.

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