
Web images optimization

Guide to optimizing images - Fasterize

On average, images take up 50% of a typical web page.

With our automatic, painless image optimization, Fasterize gives your visitors a user experience that is second to none.

Fasterize optimizes all of your images with no visible decrease in quality, no matter the original file format. We incorporate smart loading too!



Minimize the time and resources you spend on image conversion.

Improve user experience by offering maximum visible quality, with fast loading times.

Use the latest, cutting-edge techniques to optimize images.

Streamline and standardize content generated by different frontend developers.

Smart Image Compression

Whether your images are in JPEG, PNG, GIF or SVG format, the Fasterize engine will decide how to optimally compress each image. To achieve this, we use the best compression libraries on the market. Rest assured that your images will always be delivered using optimum compression, no matter how they were produced or in what format.
Slash file sizes by up to 70%!





The Fasterize engine automatically selects the appropriate JPEG compression rate in order to obtain the smallest image size while avoiding visible artifacts. To achieve this, the engine compares a set of images that have been compressed using different compression rates, and it chooses the image that meets a specified quality threshold when compared to the original image. If that sounds complicated, it is. The engine uses an algorithm based on characteristics of the human visual system known as Mean Pixel Error (MPE). This process typically reduces image sizes by 30% to 70%, with no visible degradation in quality.
(*Enterprise package only)


Today’s web sites have been designed to adapt to a variety of situations and devices. A website might be mobile-specific, or maybe it adheres to responsive design standards. A user might be viewing your site on a desktop machine connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot. Another user might be connecting over 4G with a smartphone, while yet another user connects on a tablet via 3G. In other words, user experiences are heavily context-dependent, which means images have to adapt to users. Fasterize is working on technology to serve connection-dependent images that adjust compression, pixel density, and cropping depending on the way users access your site.

Image Lazyloading and inlining

The Fasterize engine automatically prioritizes images located “above the fold.” Images further down load as the user scrolls down the page. Our script does not execute on the first few images, however, in order to prevent images above the fold from holding up script execution, as well as to ensure that they are displayed as quickly as possible.

Image inlining is the technique of encoding small images directly into the HTML (Base 64). Rather than issue an additional request, which can cause considerable lag, the browser reads the image directly from the HTML source.
Our engine applies this optimization to small images, because it’s better to add a few hundred bytes to the HTML page than to issue a new request, which can take up to 500ms.
With Fasterize, these techniques work together without interfering with one another. Lazy loaded images are not inlined, and inlined images are not lazy loaded. The Fasterize engine intelligently combines different rules for maximum effect while also avoiding any combinations that could be counter-productive.



With Progressive JPGs, a lower quality version of the entire image is displayed as quickly as possible, then further details appear as the image finishes loading. The Fasterize engine selectively applies progressive rendering to images that occupy a significant portion of the page, allowing browsers to efficiently load complex images and capture user attention as quickly as possible.
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