
Insight: compare your website’s speed with and without Fasterize

Have you heard about Insight, the Fasterize solution that allows you to analyse rapidly and for free the speed of your website? Thanks to Insight, you could be taking the first step towards the optimization of your web performance: a preliminary diagnosis which is essential to make your website faster, improve the user experience and thus generate more business. Here's how and why you should use it without moderation.

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[Case study] How a leading cosmetics company chose Fasterize

case study Fasterize
This global leader in cosmetics operates in a fiercely competitive market and aims to consolidate its position by offering its customers a high-performance website and optimal user experience. The brand has chosen to include its website speeds in its strategy, as it understands the drawbacks of a slow website (81% of French web users would think twice before buying from a slow site).

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Why you should have a Mobile First website


Is your site Mobile First? You have certainly already experienced this: the speed of the pages varies depending on the browsing conditions. On a recent desktop computer, they are displayed faster than on an entry-level 3G mobile. How to explain this phenomenon and how to improve your performance? For your UX, SEO, and conversion rates, let’s see why it’s essential – but also more difficult – to speed up a mobile website. And let’s also see why you have to work hard for a fast site on mobile, to satisfy your users and Google.

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