
A/B testing: imperative to marketing, perilous to web performance

AB testing


Did you know that, while your website is loading content, every second of blank page = 1000 points deducted on the Speed Index? During an A/B test, it’s inevitable that a website will take longer to display. We spoke with independent web performance expert Jean-Pierre Vincent, who highlighted that, even though these tests are often necessary and beneficial to marketing, they ought to be handled with care because of their impact on loading times.

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Resize images automatically with Fasterize

Resizing image web performance

With images taking up ever more space on our webpages, it is ever more crucial to keep their weight to a minimum, especially on mobile. According to HTTP Archive, the average webpage displays approximately 1 MB of images (median), and the images on a page account for almost half of the total weight of the page.

Once you have inevitably compressed it, how do you serve an image in the right dimensions for different screen sizes? In the wake of our predictions in favour of srcset, we decided to set ourselves a new webperf challenge: resizing images!

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Digital strategy & e-commerce: the importance of loading time

E-commerce Loading time webperf digital strategy

Whether you are an expert in e-commerce, marketing or SEO / SEA, you have one thing in common: a high concern for UX. And you should! Did you know that a website’s loading time is what really counts for users?

UX is an essential issue for the user who visits your e-commerce website and who discovers your brand’s DNA! Fast loading times for desktop and mobile browsing contribute to a quality experience, which turns in favour of high conversion rates.

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Correcting inlining fonts in CSS

Following a healthier, lighter diet also applies to CSS, and the latter will become heavy if it has to put up with base64-encoded fonts. Fasterize helps you optimize your loading times by outsourcing fonts instead of embedding them in CSS, a critical resource that the browser needs to load as quickly as possible. The result? Pages are displayed faster thanks to a better Start Render.

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Address Brotli compression easily with Fasterize

The faster a site is (that’s our core business) the better web user engagement it gets. And there are plenty of solutions to accelerate a website! Reducing page size as far as possible is one of the most effective ways – and the most obvious. Essentially, the fewer bytes that the browser has to download, the faster the site is. And so, one sensible solution involves optimizing the raw size of the JavaScript and CSS code by minifying them, as well as using a more effective compression algorithm.

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