Logo Carré Blanc

Success Story : Carré Blanc

Carré Blanc aims at an optimal user experience whatever the sales channel. On its E-commerce platform, the speed of the web pages is part of the quality criteria for this retailer which increased its conversions by 25% by improving its loading times.



Furniture – Decoration


2M page views per month






  • Context

    Carré Blanc is a household linen brand in business since 1985. Its network of 150 bricks-and-mortar shops is made up of one third franchises, one third affiliates, and one third corporate-owned shops.

    The company made its move towards digital technology in 2012 with the creation of an e-commerce platform that allowed the brand to transition from wholesale to retail and venture into omnichannel sales, particularly with services like e-reservation, click & collect, in-shop tablets, and more.

    On average, the brand’s website receives 220,000 unique visitors every month, and up to 400,000 during peak traffic periods. It also receives a monthly average of 2 million page views, which goes up to 3.6 million during peak traffic periods.

    A visit to the website precedes 75% of in-shop purchases and the digital channel represented about 10% of the company’s revenues in 2019. That share has since grown.

    Additionally, the e-commerce website saw significant growth in 2020, driven by major marketing investments and increased visibility, creating a flow that naturally benefits the network of shops.

    The goal of the digital team is to keep growing the e-commerce website and to strengthen the synergy between the physical shops and the e-commerce platform: the idea is to activate all conversion mechanisms, both in-shop and online.


  • Goals

    To overcome the limits of an ageing technical solution (Magento 1.9), Carré Blanc turned to Fasterize to support marketing and sales efforts by offering a fast and fluid interface for online customers.

    The loading times registered on certain strategic pages were particularly long, notably on the homepage and certain category pages. The digital team took action to accelerate the loading of web pages, estimating that conversions would improve by at least 0.2%—a threshold that was easily exceeded!


  • Deployment

    First, the Customer Success Engineer who assists the Carré Blanc teams gave a presentation of the tool and of the technical specifications so that each person involved in the project would be aware of the tasks to be handled.
    Then, he sent acceptance testing requirements, before moving on to full deployment of Fasterize, all in less than a month.

    Mobilising two in-house people and two people from their service provider agency, the process was fast and didn’t require any changes to the website’s source code.


  • Support

    Since deployment of the solution, the dedicated Customer Success Engineer has sent a performance tracker every quarter and he regularly communicates with the website’s technical specialist, the front-end developer, the web designer, and others.

    All of Carré Blanc’s teams especially appreciate that Fasterize is constantly attentive and offers solutions adapted to any level of technical need.


Carré Blanc is a household linen brand in business since 1985. Its network of 150 bricks-and-mortar shops is made up of one third franchises, one third affiliates, and one third corporate-owned shops.

The company made its move towards digital technology in 2012 with the creation of an e-commerce platform that allowed the brand to transition from wholesale to retail and venture into omnichannel sales, particularly with services like e-reservation, click & collect, in-shop tablets, and more.

On average, the brand’s website receives 220,000 unique visitors every month, and up to 400,000 during peak traffic periods. It also receives a monthly average of 2 million page views, which goes up to 3.6 million during peak traffic periods.

A visit to the website precedes 75% of in-shop purchases and the digital channel represented about 10% of the company’s revenues in 2019. That share has since grown.

Additionally, the e-commerce website saw significant growth in 2020, driven by major marketing investments and increased visibility, creating a flow that naturally benefits the network of shops.

The goal of the digital team is to keep growing the e-commerce website and to strengthen the synergy between the physical shops and the e-commerce platform: the idea is to activate all conversion mechanisms, both in-shop and online.


To overcome the limits of an ageing technical solution (Magento 1.9), Carré Blanc turned to Fasterize to support marketing and sales efforts by offering a fast and fluid interface for online customers.

The loading times registered on certain strategic pages were particularly long, notably on the homepage and certain category pages. The digital team took action to accelerate the loading of web pages, estimating that conversions would improve by at least 0.2%—a threshold that was easily exceeded!


First, the Customer Success Engineer who assists the Carré Blanc teams gave a presentation of the tool and of the technical specifications so that each person involved in the project would be aware of the tasks to be handled.
Then, he sent acceptance testing requirements, before moving on to full deployment of Fasterize, all in less than a month.

Mobilising two in-house people and two people from their service provider agency, the process was fast and didn’t require any changes to the website’s source code.


Since deployment of the solution, the dedicated Customer Success Engineer has sent a performance tracker every quarter and he regularly communicates with the website’s technical specialist, the front-end developer, the web designer, and others.

All of Carré Blanc’s teams especially appreciate that Fasterize is constantly attentive and offers solutions adapted to any level of technical need.




Speed Index


Start Render


Time To First Byte



Speed Index


Start Render


Time To First Byte

Since the implementation of Fasterize, Carré Blanc has seen a 25% increase in their number of users and +31% in page views.

In spite of the strong increase in web traffic in 2020, the e-commerce platform’s speed held steady and the bounce rates even went down slightly. Meanwhile, conversion rates increased by 25% and revenues by 50%!

In terms of speed indicators, the greatest improvement was recorded for the “time to first byte”—a metric tracked by Carré Blanc for improving SEO.

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