
There has been much talk about HTTPS lately. It is not just an advantage, it has become a must-have (for privacy and security of course, but for SEO as well).
HTTPS used to be expensive and hard to implement, Let’s encrypt has changed the deal.
It is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA) that provides SSL certificates, with a 3 months validity (renewable). Let's Encrypt offers a way to support a more secure and privacy-respecting Web, which is the reason why it was dear to us to support them and make it easier for our clients to use Let's Encrypt. 

Use Let’s Encrypt with Fasterize and enable free TLS on your website

You already use Let’s Encrypt? Good news, we are fully compatible. You don’t need to send us your new certificates every 3 months.
If you are not currently using Let’s Encrypt but wish to migrate, we are happy to offer our assistance. Just contact our Support team, it’s free!

What is Let’s Encrypt?

Let’s Encrypt is a Certificate Authority that provides free certificates. The process is automated to avoid the current complex process of manual creation, validation, signature, installation and renewal of certificates for Secure websites. In September 2016, Let's Encrypt issued more than 10 million certificates and is now the first certificate provider.

This integration is a first step to offer HTTPS to everyone. Our wish is to ease the process of having TLS certificates on the origin.

You want a secure and fast website?

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